Monsterbet - An Aberrant Abecedarius
(Or a creepy children's alphabet art book for adults)
12" x 12" book, full color prints
Monsterbet cover image
From the book's forward:
"Heidi Brueckner's work conflates the humorous with the macabre and the characters that inhabit her world are flawed, grotesque, perhaps dangerous in this satirical alphabet book. Monsterbet employs the trappings of children's literature, but is not intended primarily for children, its deliberately mature and nuanced themes well beyond the grasp of those innocents.
The book measures 12” x 12”, and shows original images of oil, acrylic, and mixed media on canvas. Each pair of letters in the sequence constitutes a rhyming couplet of the text. With a treasure-trove of misfits, evils, and deviants to choose from, it's like the seven deadly sins plus the ten plagues of Egypt…and then some, combined in a tour de force work that entertains, appalls, and gently chides the viewer into taking stock of their own personal creepiness." - Barbara Morris
Softcover, 58 pages, full color, beautiful quality.